“You shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your needy neighbor.” (Deuteronomy 15:7)
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There’s an old story about a wealthy man who went to a wise sage for advice on how to live a better, more meaningful life. The sage welcomed him and led him to a large window that overlooked the street below.
“What do you see?” the sage asked.
“I see people walking, children playing, and merchants working,” the man replied.
The sage nodded and then took the man to a mirror. “Now, what do you see?”
“Only myself,” the man answered.
The sage smiled kindly. “Both the window and the mirror are made of glass,” he said. “The only difference is that the mirror is coated with silver. When you add silver, you stop seeing others and see only yourself.”
This story has always stuck with me as a powerful reminder of how easy it is to lose sight of the people around us. Just like the silver on the mirror, things like pride, fear, greed, or even the busyness of life can cloud our vision. We stop seeing others clearly. But the scriptures remind us over and over again to open our hearts and hands, to truly see and care for our neighbors.
Our culture teaches us to focus on ourselves, but God’s vision for us is so much bigger. It’s not about mirrors—it’s about windows. It’s about looking beyond ourselves and noticing the sacred humanity in everyone we meet, especially those who are hurting, lonely, or in need. The question for us is: What “silver” is clouding my vision? What’s stopping me from seeing others the way God does?
The good news is, we can clear the glass. When we let go of the things that block us—whether it’s fear, judgment, or distraction—we create space for connection, generosity, and love. And in doing so, we reflect God into the world.
We are in this together,
Rev. Cameron Trimble
Reflection Questions
What might be keeping me from seeing others clearly—fear, pride, busyness, or something else?
How can I “clear the glass” and open myself to love and compassion this week?
Who in my life might need to be seen, cared for, or supported right now?
A Prayer for the Day
A Prayer for Open Hearts
God of Love,
Help me to see others as You see them.
Clear away the pride, fear, and distractions that keep me focused on myself.
Open my heart to my neighbors, and teach me to love with generosity and grace.
Let my life be a window to Your goodness,
Reflecting Your light into a world that needs it.
Spiritual Practice
Clearing the Glass
Take a moment to reflect on what might be clouding your ability to see others clearly. Is it busyness, a lingering grudge, fear, or judgment? Pause to name it. Write it down if that helps. The first step in clearing the glass is noticing what’s there—what “silver” has built up on the mirror of your life.
Ask yourself, How might this barrier be keeping me from connecting with others? and What would it feel like to let this go?
Next, take one intentional action to begin clearing the glass. This could be reaching out to someone you’ve distanced yourself from, offering a small act of kindness to a stranger, or spending time with someone who may feel unseen or unheard. These simple gestures remind us that love is an active practice, not just a feeling. They help us move from a focus on ourselves to a focus on the sacred connection we share with others.
Finally, at the end of the day, reflect on where you noticed opportunities to “clear the glass” and where you may have missed them. Celebrate the moments when you chose connection, and bring grace to the times you didn’t. This practice isn’t about being perfect—it’s about learning to see others as they truly are and opening your heart a little more each day. Trust that even small changes can make a big difference, and let this practice deepen your awareness of love flowing through you and into the world.
Upcoming Events That Might Be of Interest…
December 1 - 4-5:30pm ET - FREE Online webinar with Rev. Jim Dant - “Understanding the Development of the Christmas Nativity Stories Through the Lens of Jewish Midrash (What You Were NOT Taught in Sunday School).” Register here.
February 6, 7-9pm ET - Join my conversation with Rev. Dr. Isa Gucciardi on the launch of her latest book on depth hypnosis. Info coming soon.
July 20-25, 2025 - The Art of Wilding: A 5-Day Expedition in Wyoming for Women Leaders. Click here to learn more.
this is a wonderful post and practice, for this day, and this time.
Thank you!