Piloting Faith: Step out...

A Word for the Day...
Actress Alex Borstein won the award for a best supporting actress in a comedy series during the 71st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Sunday. When accepting her award, however, she told a touching story about her grandmother’s bravery fighting the Nazis.
"To my mother … to my grandmother,” she said. “They are immigrants, they are Holocaust survivors. My grandmother turned to a guard. She was in line to be shot into a pit. She said, ‘What happens if I step out of line?’ And he said, ‘I don’t have the heart to shoot you but somebody will,’ and she stepped out of line. And for that, I am here and my children are here. So step out of line, ladies, step out of line."
It seems significant that this week we are witnessing two women of two generations, Greta Thunberg and Nancy Pelosi, step out of line to fight for our future. Leadership is the hard work of seeing the preferred possibilities for our collective future and having the courage to fight for them. Our movement isn't a women's movement. It's for all of us. Yet it's the wisdom of women leading us forward. It's about time. Step out, ladies. I know a bunch of wonderful men ready to follow.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Prayer for the Week
Enlighten my mind with truth,
Enflame my heart with love,
Inspire my will with courage,
Enrich my life with service,
Pardon where I fall short,
Sanctify what I am,
Order what I shall be,
For thine shall be the glory,
Forever and ever,
- Author unknown