Piloting Faith: For a more creative life...
A Word for the Day...
Each of us has a source of wild creativity in us. We are built to give birth, to bring things, ideas, and people to life. At our deepest core, we are created to write, sing, dance and love new life into being. We are born wild, in tune with our intuitions of how to make a more beautiful world.
All too early in life, our domesticated elders tell us to tame this wild creativity. We might become too creative, too generative, too free. We might test social boundaries or question authority. We might get arrogant or too sure of ourselves or discover we’re more powerful than even we knew. We are told from a young age to hold back, to moderate, to question our ability to contribute from our wilding and wise ways. If you follow this advice, it kills your soul.
I’m convinced that we are living in the midst of an awakening of our wild souls. Some of us I’ve come to call Wisdom Warriors sense a new level of creativity emerging in ourselves, one that leads us on the healing path to a deeper awareness of the Creative force that is within. If you are one of those, you aren’t crazy; the world is. Keep leading us forward with the truth you know in the deepest parts of your soul. It’s your authentic wildness, not your conformity, that the world really needs.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
Blessing for the Week
Peace to you, God-bearer, God-birther. May you create with integrity, and may your creating connect you with all who labor to bring forth a new creation.
- Jan Richardson, Sacred Journeys: A Woman's Book of Daily Prayer