Piloting Faith: If you struggle to find purpose and meaning...

A Word for the Day...
A man recently asked me how he could know what he was really committed to, what he was made to do with his life. I suggested that he think back and remember five moments in his life, preferably early in his life, when he felt most alive, most creative. Remembering them, could he see connections between them? Are there any common threads? What did he feel in his body as a remembered?
I’ve come to understand our bodies as our purest intuitive tool to living awakened lives. We say things like, “I just knew it in my gut,” or “I knew something was off by how it felt.” Our bodies usually know what is best for us long before our minds catch up.
If you are struggling to find your sense of purpose and meaning, listen to your body. It always tells you the truth.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Blessing for the Week
Peace to you, God-bearer, God-birther. May you create with integrity, and may your creating connect you with all who labor to bring forth a new creation.
- Jan Richardson, Sacred Journeys: A Woman's Book of Daily Prayer