Piloting Faith: There are things called boundaries...

A Word for the Day...
The more I travel and meet new, wonderful people the more I want to sit in a silent room for hours afterward. It’s not their fault. They are really great humans, and I genuinely enjoy talking to them. Then I hit a wall. It’s just too many words. Besides, I can only talk about the weather for so long…which is saying something since I am a pilot and think about the weather quite a bit.
Does this happen to you too? Please say yes.
As I do work that is highly relational, I am learning about these things called “boundaries.” People have mentioned them to me over the years. I thought they were in place to keep us from doing illegal or unethical things. Now I realize they can also keep us from doing soul-sucking, life-taking things. What a lovely concept.
Prentis Hemphill said, “Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” YES!
Given the insanity of our political realities, knowing our boundaries seems essential to knowing ourselves. We can’t possibly do soul-level work if we are sacrificing our sanity in the process.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Blessing for the Week
Peace to you, God-bearer, God-birther. May you create with integrity, and may your creating connect you with all who labor to bring forth a new creation.
- Jan Richardson, Sacred Journeys: A Woman's Book of Daily Prayer