Piloting Faith: I am an imposter...

A Word for the Day...
Yesterday I had breakfast with an Atlanta pastor who has been a friend of mine for 15 years. I adore her. We just "get" each other. She is the pastor of a large church in Atlanta, a brilliant preacher, energetic leader and all around great human. Anyone who meets her thinks she is amazing...because she is.
Those same people would be shocked to know we spent the morning talking about imposter's syndrome - of never feeling like we measure up. Still, after all of this time and all we have accomplished...it isn't quite enough.
That is nonsense. But it's still real.
All of us experience moments of insecurity, moments where we wonder about the difference we make and fear the judgment of others. ALL. OF. US. That helps because it means we can remind each other that don't need to prove our value. Our value is given. All we need to do is support each other in awakening and celebrate our becoming.
Carry on, all of you fierce, wise warriors. You are making a difference, and all of us think you're the coolest person in the room.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Blessing for the Week
May the God who dwells beyond us
and the God who dwells among us
and the God who calls us to dwell together
bless you now
and always.
- Jan Richardson, Sacred Journeys: A Woman's Book of Daily Prayer