Piloting Faith: Facing death while living life...
A Word for the Day...
Abby, my 16-year-old golden retriever, is not doing well. She can't put weight on her back left leg. She has bone cancer, so there is not much that we can do except treat the pain.
She layed around the house for two days on pain meds. Then I looked at her and said, "You have to keep moving because we are not giving up on each other yet." I physically carried her outside and set her in the grass. I helped her stand up. She wobbled and then collapsed. I helped her up again. She took a few steps and then collapsed. I helped her up again. I held her face and looked into her eyes. I told her that she was loved and safe, and I was not going to save her. She had to her part. And then...she walked. And then she ran. She's been up and moving for two days.
She is dying. I'm not in denial about that. But she is fully alive right now. And I am fully alive to her. This taught me a lesson. We need each other. We need people who believe in us, who love us, and who push us to keep going. I hope you have that in your life. Our goal is to live every second out of this beautiful, brutal, wonderful life, knowing that we are loved beyond imagination. Don't forget: God is with you, always.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
Prayer for the Week
Holy One,
How confused and disappointed the disciples must've been when they learned that Jesus would suffer and die at the hands of unseeing, unknowing men. That wasn't how they imagined their journey with him would end.
We, too, are often surprised by pain and suffering. It feels somehow wrong–a terrible mistake. We feel born for another life.
In our times of sorrow, loss, and pain, we look to you, who has promised to be with us always. Thank you that you understand when we balk, want to turn back, escape, find another way.
Teach us how to struggle well. Fill us with courage and grant us the strength to take the bitter with the sweet. Strengthen all of your people to face what lies ahead today: health problems, financial hardships, broken relationships, fear, and want–whatever life brings. And, especially, be a refuge and solace for those around the world who face imprisonment, persecution, violence, and death.
For the gift of your love and your promise that we are never alone, we give thanks.
(adapted from The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Riess, and David Van Biema)