Piloting Faith: Practice makes perfect...
A Word for the Day...
This past week I completed a 7 hour flight exam. I have 4 hours of oral exam mainly focused on FAA regulations and 3 hours of flying with an examiner. His job was to make sure that I am the safest pilot possible. I have to complete this exam every 2 years for as long as I am an active pilot. Of course, I have to complete a bunch of other check-rides validating my competency in specific areas but this was my big one. I'm glad I made it through!
As part of the test, I had to handle a number of emergency situations - failed engine on takeoff, simulated icing conditions, passenger health crisis, electrical failure, loss of control, comms failure, landing gear failure, bird strike - proving that I would make sound decisions in a crisis. I passed for two simple reasons: I am well-trained, and I practice constantly. None of this was new. It was textbook all the way.
We can't be prepared for everything in life, but life flows more smoothly when we find good teachers, learn everything we can and practice often. One way to understand the Bible is as a series of stroies of spiritual teachers offering new lessons, people learning, and then experiencing transformation through practicing.
I suppose that is why we call it "practicing our faith." We learn by doing.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
Prayer for the Week
Yesterday I prayed for mercy, but today I need to ask all over again.
Judgment comes easily for me. Resentment sticks to me like an old habit. But compassion and forgiveness are slow to occur to me–when they occur at all.
Sometimes I forget you said, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," and "Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy."
May mercy become my first impulse, for their sake, and not mine. Thank you for the mercies upon mercies you have shown meevery day.
(adapted from The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Riess, and David Van Biema)