Piloting Faith: The Trust Equation

A Word for the Day...
I have a wonderful friend named John DeWees. This week I stopped by his office in NY, and we talked about a communications course he has just completed where he learned about the Trust Equation created by Steven Drozdeck and Lyn Fisher.

We talked about instances in our lives where trust was high – in friendships, romantic relationships, and collegial relationships. They work because we show up regularly, can be counted on to do what we say we will do, and care deeply about our shared interest instead of our self-interest. We are invested in each other’s happiness, wholeness and success.
When relationships fall apart, we can usually point to point when the trust was violated. That single step spells the end.
Last night we watched the State of the Union address. Some of us loved it. Some of us hated it. Most of us are challenged by the nagging sense that our political system isn’t trust-worthy. I am not a fan of this administration. I am a fan of healthy governance – regardless of party. That starts with each of us. We create a fair, kind and just world for all of us when we commit ourselves to be trustworthy people, count-on-able for our commitments and true to our values.
Perhaps that should be our prayer going forward this week. “Lord, help us show up for others, act from our values, and be concerned about the common good.” You know, I feel like that is something that Jesus might have said. Except he would have had way better parables.
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Prayer for the Week
That you may have
the wisdom to know the story
to which God calls you,
the power to pursue it,
the courage to abide its mysteries,
and love in every step.
- from In the Sanctuary of Women, by Jan L. Richardson