Piloting Faith: We are all scared of this...

A Word for the Day...
Every one of us fears change. If we said that we didn't, we would be lying. Change brings grief. We have to let go of an older version (visions) of ourselves as we transcend into new expressions. We don't lose what we were; but we aren't the same. We are different. We are changed. Our task this week is to embrace all of the change that is happening within us. Give yourself time - an hour each morning - to honor and grieve and give thanks. Be kind to yourself in the process. Then get ready for a new birth. God is doing a new thing in you.
You need to do nothing more than show up. Life will take care of the rest.
- Rev. Cameron B. Trimble, author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight!

Prayer for the Week
God of all that is good,
Today I seek not the passing rewards of recognition, power, and wealth, but your kingdom of love and justice. I turn again from self to follow the way of Jesus.
So, Holy One, may your kingdom come - in this world and in my life.
Direct my intentions and energies to the higher, enduring reality springing up all around me, pushing back the darkness. I'm desperate to discern where your Spirit is moving.
So, Holy One, may your kingdom come - in this world and in my life.
Even as I contemplate the kingdom Jesus came to announce, I am conscious of my own weakness and need. I want to stay on your path, but it's easy to lose my way.
So, Holy One, may your kingdom come - in this world and in my life. Make me new once more in You.
(adapted from The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Riess and David Van Biema)