Piloting Faith - A Daily Meditation

A Word for the Day...
"Do you know what God hopes for your life? That you live the hell out of it. God hopes that you dream big dreams for yourself and are brave enough to try them. God hopes that you learn to love deeply and faithfully, both yourself and others. God hopes that you come to trust that you are enough - you always have been and you always will be. But most of all, God hopes you know you are never alone. God is with you always."
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, CEO of the Center for Progressive Renewal

Prayer for the Day
May the Peace of Christ be with you, wherever God may send you;
May you be guided through the wilderness and protected in the storms;
May you find your people on the journey, the tribe that will deeply know you and accompany you on the way;
May you find in your returning, you are forever changed, by all you learn along the way.