Piloting Faith - A Daily Meditation
A Word for the Day...
"On Sunday night of last week I was in New York with a group of women organized by Rev. Kaji Dousa of Park Avenue Christian Church, standing on the steps of City Hall in Foley Square protesting the process our elected officials are enabling around the appointment of Brett Kavanagh. Present were high school students from the school that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford attended, lots of women from the community and a few faith leaders. As we were standing there in front of three news crews who were recording our speakers, an angry man came up and started screaming at us. He lobbed all of the predictable slurs one uses to demean women – “You’re all a bunch of whores,” “You hate men,” “Women are always right; men are always wrong.” On and on and on…
Our hearts were breaking for these young students who were experiencing this; he was relentless, and it seemed there was no line of decency he wasn’t willing to cross. Then he saw three of us in clergy collars and took out after us. I remember thinking, "Bring it, brother. I've been up against people like you before." We were staring him down, ready to form a wall of protection.
And then, in the most beautiful moment of grace, Rev. Kaji Dousa began to sing. Her voice, crystal clear in tone and tear-jerking in power, rose above his shouts. She sang and sang and sang us through that hate-filled moment. She did that...by herself...as the rest of us stood around her with our candles holding vigil for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford...and for ourselves. The man turned around, silenced, and left.
These are hard days for many of us. It feels like the world needs a new kind of leadership from us, one that requires we dig deep in our resolve and act with courage we're not sure we have. Some of us are taking to the streets; others are writing, organizing, preaching, listening, witnessing, singing, painting…our taking a stand matters even on the days when I fear my own futility.
Keep the faith, friends. You are not alone. A tribe of us are in this with you, Every. Single. Step. But let's stay on the lookout for people who can sing us through. Their songs silence oppression and restore our souls."
- Rev. Cameron Trimble, CEO of the Center for Progressive Renewal
Your leadership matters. You and your church are making a difference in shaping our world into a more just and generous place. Keep it up!
We are all in this together.