Piloting Faith: Reflections from a Seeing-Eye Dog Trainer...

A Word for the Day...
Dr. Dawn Conti recently told me a story of a seeing-eye dog trainer reflecting on his experience of training both dogs and their owners. Someone asked him if it was difficult to train the people who owned the dogs. He said yes. In fact, the most difficult people to train were those with limited sight. They could see just enough that they relied on their own sight instead of trusting their dog. He had to train them to respect the value of being a team; neither of them would be safe until they learned to trust the other's sight.
I can name a number of times I have relied on my own blurry sight rather than trusting the collective vision of my team. Every time I have tried to rely solely on my own sight I have suffered. I have misread people time and again. I have missed seeing opportunities. I have missed benefiting from my team's intuition, experience and wisdom.
We are made to be in relationships with each other. We are a team by Sacred design. As we continue through the season of Lent, consider the ways you gain greater sight because of the people in your life who help you see what is before you...and within you.
Rev. Cameron Trimble
Author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight

Prayer for the Week
Loving God,
May your healing power flow
into a world consumed by fear
of sickness,
of powerlessness,
of pandemics,
of incompetence.
We ask your presence with us and within us,
Now and forever.